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牛津外教看汕头系列报道3:Real Teaching for Real Jobs
点击次数:2603    发布时间:2014-04-12  



Real Teaching for Real Jobs


By Grant H Wallace







My last proper teaching job was in Italy.  There, most of the schools expected the teachers to follow the course books quite strictly.  The parents expected results and results meant finishing units.  Any teacher worth their salt will tell you that units do not translate into learning.

Fortunately, while in Italy I endeavoured to pursue the Cambridge Delta qualification.  This opened up my mind to the potential of many different teaching methods most of which go well beyond any course book unit.  Phrases such as natural English and international English sometimes appear on the pages of these esteemed publications but the most effective ways of teaching natural English are based upon using natural English, not reading about in one part of one or two units.

Now that I am in Shantou and can see that the college encourages innovation and expressive teaching, I can fully apply many of the practices that I read about during my course.  Two that resonate strongly with me are The Lexical Approach and the concept of Dogme teaching.  Both focus on how English appears in current, contemporary language and encourages the students to experiment with the language that they know while encountering and noticing new language through reading, research and activities.  These approaches fit very naturally into a lesson and enhance, rather than replace the course books.  Conversations are developed in a logical manner, will maximum input from the class and high frequency phrases are pointed out and noted.

I also think that it is very important to involved the students in realistic and stimulating projects.  These allow for a huge amount of original input from the learner and a lot of self expression.  The scope of the projects are only limited by the students imagination, commitment and energy.  English can be edited by the teacher offering advise and suggestions rather than corrections to encourage the students.  In the first project, the students will produce magazines.  This is quite a realistic task as many of the students will publish written material and have to present information clearly during their careers.  I am able to use professional Adobe Creative Suite software so the students will be able to produce very high quality products, not just scrap books.  Throughout the project, discussion will focus upon the style and presentation of the magazine as well as the appropriacy of the English.  This will open up the students minds to much more than the course books ever will.

I strive on creativity and hope that my enthusiasm and energy will transfer to as many learners as possible and inspire them to go far beyond their normal limits.  I am genuinely excited about the potential in the classes and the magazines that they will produce.





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