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牛津外教看汕头系列报道5:Shantou Diary
点击次数:2782    发布时间:2014-04-14  




To Have Another Language is to Possess a Second Soul

By  Michael





As I write it is time for the mid-term exams once again. All through the school classmates are hard at work revising and preparing! At such a busy time it is pleasant to remember happy days. Several weeks ago all the students of the Oxford English Centre enjoyed a lovely outing to Queshi, what a fine and splendid time it was!

On the way the bus was so full that many classmates had to stand up, but nobody minded because the mood was so cheerful, and it was fun to chat and watch the scenery go by as the bus crossed the handsome bridge which connects Queshi to Shantou.

Queshi is so beautiful, and the weather was so nice that day. The sun shone down but it was not too hot, Shantous autumn season brought a pleasant coolness to the air. The days fun began with games! Daisy thought of a game to help all the classmates remember each others English name. It was a challenge to remember every name quickly and easily!

After that all the classmates and teachers prepared a marvelous barbecue. Delicious foods like beef, chicken wings, seafood and corn were grilled on the cooking fires. Potatoes were wrapped in silver foil and baked in the ashes. What a splendid feast it was, what a joy to see all the classmates working and sharing so happily together.

This activity reminded me that life is about sharing, and that we dont just share food, we also share language and culture. Sometimes learning English may seem like very hard work, classmates may feel tired and bored. But if we continue learning and dont give up the journey, we will find treasure along the way. Like happy memories of a day in the sun, learning is a precious thing which stays with us always.




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